shipping now -- 备份
- Free Worldwide Shipping on orders over $250.
- Free shipping policy also applies to orders over $89.99 when the shipping address is in the USA, UK, and CA.
- All products are designed in the UK and made in China. Orders are shipped from our closest international warehouse within 2 business days of the date of the order. Once your order is shipped you will receive an email with any tracking information available.
- The shipping fees depend on the shipping, size and weight of your order and are shown at the checkout. Delivery is typically within 5 - 10 working days following dispatch.
- The price you pay doesn’t include import duties, taxes or charges as these vary widely between countries. You are responsible for paying all such charges on receipt of the item. In some countries this may delay delivery.
- In the unlikely event that your order is lost or damaged in transit, we take full responsibility and will issue a refund or replacement.
If for any reason you’re not happy with a purchase that you made from UbiBot, you can return it to us within 30 days. We will provide a full refund of the price you paid for the product less any shipping costs. Please note that UbiBot does not reimburse shipping charges unless the return is as a result of a defect in quality. And there is a 3.5% charge for refunds.
Our products are covered by 1 year limited warranty, during that time we offer exchange if our product malfunctions as the result of any manufacturing defects. You may contact us for technical support.
Malfunction due to reasons other than manufacturing defects include using the product outside its specified operating environment, such as submerging into water or dew, prolonged exposure to very high temperature, or dropping from a high place. These will not be covered by this warranty.
Instructions to obtain service under this Warranty:
To obtain warranty service, you must deliver the Product, freight prepaid, in either its original packaging or in packaging providing an equal degree of protection, to the address specified by UbiBot®.
In accordance with applicable law, UbiBot may require that you furnish proof of purchase details and/or comply with registration requirements before receiving warranty service.
It is your responsibility to backup any data, or other materials you may have stored or preserved on the Product. It is likely that such data, or other materials will be lost or reformatted during service and UbiBot will not be responsible for any such damage or loss.
For specific instructions on how to obtain warranty service on your Product, please contact customer service at
We would like to work with companies around the globe that wish to grow with the success of UbiBot by becoming authorized partners of official UbiBot offerings. Our partner program is designed to generate recurring revenue streams for our partners and allow them to build strong relationships by offering value-added products and services to their clients.
If you are interested to become a distributor, reseller or affiliate of UbiBot products, please email us at
Below is a list of deposit accounts we use. We can't publish the full account numbers here, but you'll be able to see the full account number from our sales agents.
(United States) USD Bank Account
Account number: 8451730***
Bank name: Community Federal Savings Bank
ACH routing number: 026073150
Fedwire routing number: 026073008
(Hong Kong) USD Bank Account
Account number: 47414809***
Bank code: 003
Branch code: 474
Bank name: Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd
For common account settings questions, please refer to the FAQs and you'll find the detailed answers. If you have any technical questions about our products, email We will always respond within 24 hours and often in less than an hour. If it is technical issues, Please provide the Email address that associated with your UbiBot account. If it is an issue with a particular device. Please also let us know the serial number which is usually on the back of the device.